Welcome to Country Chapel. We have a place saved for you! If you don’t know much about us, we are a church that believes that the Holy Bible is 100% truth. We are a praying church that believes in God’s power and love.
This being said, our church will be changing. We will no longer be Country Chapel United Methodist Church. We agree with the values of the Holy Bible. The United Methodist Church is straying from values we believe in, and we will not be staying affiliated with the values they currently represent. Country Chapel United Methodist Church is in the process of disaffiliation and will be becoming Country Chapel Church. We will be an independent church with a new vision separate from the UMC. We will have a new freedom that we are excited to have you join us in. Any questions on this matter can be directed to Jana Bishop at mark.jana.bishop@gmail.com.
Monday, June 12th begins our Annual Revival! Monday through Friday, food will be served at 5:30pm EST. Service to start Monday through Friday at 6:30pm EST. It is our desire to fit into God’s plan that will lead us to revival.
Monday (6/12): Pastor Rick Foster
Tuesday (6/13): Maria Calderon
Wednesday (6/14): Dan McMillan
Thursday (6/15): Tim Orme
Friday (6/16): Scott Collier
Need some space this summer? Stellar VBS (Vacation Bible School) will be starting on July 17th and going through July 21st. This is for children grades K-6th.
Our church believes that giving is not all about monetary value. While financial giving does help allow us to pay our bills, God loves a cheerful giver, no matter how you can give.
If you would like to give financially, please stop by our church to give via check/cash or stop by the Giving page on our website to give via credit card.
We are also looking for help in our children’s classes and the nursery. Please sign up! Experience not required, but please bring a smile! Check in our office with Amanda for approval.
The food pantry is always in need of goods. Check out our Giving page on the website for a list of food pantry needs. Donations can be brought directly to Country Chapel.
Second Sunday (6/11) special offering will be going to the Country Chapel Food Pantry. Third Sunday (6/18) special offering is for the church camp scholarships.
We would love for you to join us on Sunday mornings at 10am for our church service with fellowship and food to follow. We fully understand that not everyone can make it physically. If this is the case, we also live stream our services. These live streams can currently be found on our Facebook page.
Over the past few weeks we have been discussing living ready for Christ. Watch past sermons on our Sermon page! The upcoming sermon series will be a follow-up to Revival! Get ready!
Country Chapel Small Groups:
Our youth group is open for children grades 6 and up. This takes place on Sundays from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. There are games and fellowship followed by food and music and devotions with the occasional movie night.
Like hiking? Join our hiking group every Tuesday and Saturday! Contact our office for more info. All are welcome!
Bible study is on Monday nights at 6:30pm. All are welcome!
Sisters of Joy is a group of women dedicated to Christ and fellowship among each other. Meetings on Tuesdays at 9:30am. Women of all ages are welcome.
Men’s Bible Study is on Wednesdays at 8:30am. Join us for breakfast and discussion! Men of all ages are welcome.
Our Prayer Warriors meet every Wednesday at 6pm. Come feel the power of Christ through prayer! All are welcome!
Reminder: Membership is NOT required to attend any church event or small group at Country Chapel! We have saved a place for YOU!
Please check out our calendar for a full list of gatherings and events.
Today’s Devotion:
The Lord watches over you—the Lord is your shade at your right hand.
~Psalm 121:5~
Retired teacher Debbie Stephens Browder is on a mission to convince as many people as possible to plant trees. The reason? Heat. Extreme heat in the United States is the number one weather-related cause of death. In response, she says, “I’m starting with trees.” The canopy of heat protection that trees provide is one significant way to protect communities. “It’s life or death. It’s not just about beautifying the community.”
The fact that shade isn’t just refreshing but potentially lifesaving would have been well known to the psalmist who wrote Psalm 121; in the Middle East, the risk of sunstroke is constant. This reality adds depth to the psalm’s vivid description of God as our surest place of safety, the One in whose care “the sun will not harm [us] by day, nor the moon by night” (v. 6).
This verse can’t mean that believers in Jesus are somehow immune to pain or loss in this life (or that heat isn’t dangerous!). After all, Christ tells us, “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33). But this metaphor of God as our shade does vividly reassure us that, whatever comes our way, our lives are held in His watchful care (Psalm 121:7–8). There we can find rest through trusting Him, knowing that nothing can separate us from His love (John 10:28; Romans 8:39).
By: Monica La Rose
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